Meet Stephanie and Bradley

Stephanie and Bradley

Your Austin Boudoir Photography Team

We are Bradley and Stephanie Rogers, a husband and wife photography duo, best friends, and individual artists who bring two unique perspectives into a unified vision. Our obsession with light greatly inspires and motivates us to create works of art for you in our own distinct style.

We met January of 2009 at a show in Austin, Texas and it was love at first sight. Honestly it was one of those movie moments where Stephanie came in the venue to find Bradley, people slowly parted ways and Stephanie was standing under a spotlight glowing. We knew soon after we were going to get married and tied the knot a year and a half later. We felt a connection based on our love for music and a mutual appreciation for creativity in all forms.

Our photography business launched in 2014 as wedding photographers but we soon fell in love with boudoir and launched Amorous Boudoir in 2018!

During our time off together we enjoy walking around the city or simply hanging out on our couch watching TV or playing video games. Our vinyl collection is constantly growing and we still love going to see our favorite bands. We adopted our dog Yonah in 2021 and she is absolutely perfect!

that's Yonah!

When I was younger I always felt different than the people around me and was faced with insecurities that were hard to understand. I thought when I achieved a certain physical development or appeared a certain way all my problems would go away. To my surprise that wasn’t how the world worked and I spent so long trying to please others. I began going to therapy and spending more time focusing on self-discovery and being introspective about where my beliefs stem from. This really helped me unlock parts of myself that I didn’t know existed. A time came when a friend and I did a boudoir session trade for each other and I was shocked by how much I needed this experience. It was a transformative experience! When I saw the images I was blown away at who I was seeing. It’s like my insecurities melted away and I could see myself for who I actually was; someone who was beautiful, courageous, and perfect just the way they are for who they are. From this experience and the change it’s created within me, I am passionate about sharing this with others. I’ve become my own cheerleader and I’m ready to become yours too!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been most satisfied when I’m helping people. Whether it’s through actions or words of support, I feel the most like myself when I’m serving. While caring for other people comes naturally to me, taking care of myself, unfortunately, does not. I suffered from depression and low self-esteem for so long that I used to believe it was just a part of my personality, instead of a negative feedback loop to break out of. Thanks to therapy, mindfulness, and the never ending support from Stephanie, I’ve learned to love myself through all circumstances. While I didn’t ever anticipate becoming a photographer, being able to capture the abundance of love at weddings felt like a natural extension of my desire to serve. After seeing Stephanie’s remarkable boost in confidence after her first boudoir session, I knew I wanted to provide the same experience to as many people as possible. 

Stephanie (she/her)

Bradley (he/him)