Brendan reached out to us for his session to build his portfolio. He had reached out to studios around Austin and no one would provide their services to a male client. We at Amorous Boudoir are an inclusive brand and work with people of all genders and bodies. It was great hearing from him since we love working with clients who also want to have editorial-style photos. He wanted his images to highlight male sexuality so we knew the Lumen Room studio space we offer would be perfect with its minimal space.
We have a post-session questionnaire we have clients fill out and Brendan told us how he felt during his session – “Very relaxed, the music was a great touch and you two had a great vibe.” He also told us that during his session he felt “very confident” and when he saw his images he said, “Wow! I never thought I could look this good!”
A common thing our clients tell us as advice to others looking to have a boudoir session is, “To just have fun!” We completely agree with this statement because the more you have fun and get moving in your body, listening to the playlist going, the more relaxed your images will look!
Here are some favorites from Brendan’s session at the Lumen Room here in Austin!

Male Boudoir Session at the Lumen Room
Check out another Lumen Room boudoir session in Austin HERE!